In a wood, two paths diverged, and we, sCurve Solutions, chose the less traveled one, and it’s made all the difference. Unfortunately, not every decision is as straightforward as “Let’s simply pursue this route and see where it leads,” particularly when it comes to commercial decision-making. Whether you’re in charge of a small team or a giant business, your success and the success of your company are dependent on you making the correct decisions—and learning from your mistakes.

Make a more lucrative analysis of decision making by following these phases in the decision-making process. You’ll be able to avoid impulsive decisions and make more educated ones if you build a structured decision-making procedure.

Defining the decision-making process in the workplace

The corporate decision-making process is a step-by-step procedure that allows experts to solve problems by analyzing data, examining options, and then deciding on a course of action. This well-defined procedure also allows you to assess whether your decision was correct in the end.

7 Phases/Steps in the decision-making process

Professionals most typically employ these seven processes, while there are numerous subtle versions of the decision-making framework floating around on the Internet, in business textbooks, and in leadership presentations.

1. Determine the decision

To make a decision, you must first determine the problem or question to be addressed. Make your choice as detailed as you can. If you misidentify the problem to solve or select a challenge that’s overly broad, you’ll throw the decision train off the track before it ever leaves the station.

If you need to attain a specific objective as a result of your decision, make it quantifiable and time-bound so you can be sure you accomplished it in the end.

2. Collect pertinent information

Once you’ve made your decision, you’ll need to gather the information you’ll need to back it up. Make an internal review to evaluate where your company has excelled and where it has failed in relation to your choice. Also, look for information from outside sources, like studies, market research, and, in certain situations, paid consultant evaluation.

Be cautious: too much information may quickly bog you down—facts and data that appear relevant to your circumstance may actually serve to confuse the process.

3. Determine the available options

Identify viable solutions to your problem now that you have relevant information at your fingertips. When attempting to achieve a goal, there are generally several options to consider. For example, if your firm wants to increase social media engagement, your options may include paid social marketing, a change in your organic social media approach, or a mix of the two.

4. Evaluate the evidence

Once you’ve found many options, assess the facts in favor of or against them. Examine what other organizations have done in the past to attain success in these areas, as well as your own achievements and failures. Determine the likely disadvantages of each of your choices and weigh them against the prospective benefits.

5. Select from a variety of options

This is the stage in the decision-making process when you, well, make the decision. Hopefully, you’ve recognized and clarified the choice that needs to be taken, acquired the necessary data, and formulated and examined the many options available to you. You are completely equipped to make a decision.

6. Get to work

Act on your decision after you’ve made it! Create a strategy to help you make your decision a reality. After you’ve created a project strategy for your decision, allocate tasks to the team.

7. Go through your decision again

Take an honest look back at your decision after a certain length of time—which you defined in step one of the decision-making process. Have you found out ways to solve the issue? Have you given your answer to the question? Have you met your objectives?



If that’s the case, keep track of what works for future reference. If not, repeat the decision-making process and learn from your failures.

Tools that help you make smarter decisions

You might wish to use a decision tree to assess information depending on the decision. In the scenario below, a corporation is attempting to assess whether or not to do market testing prior to launching a product. The many branches keep track of the likelihood of success and expected payout so that the corporation can evaluate which choice will generate the most income.


Another tool that might help you examine your alternatives and make better selections is a decision matrix. You can also make a traditional pros-and-cons list, highlighting whether your solutions fit the required criteria or constitute an unacceptable risk. You’ll be able to make better-educated decisions faster if you follow these 7 steps and use the resources we’ve provided.